Corporate Partnership Packages

Please see below our Corporate sponsorship packages. Payments can be made to suit your budget.

We also have a number of different types of packages available, for example – The Monthly Business Networking lunch meeting sponsorship, Event sponsorship, SIG sponsorships and Advertising sponsorship opportunities.  Please get in touch with us to discuss further the details by contacting one of our Committee Members or by emailing – or phone +973 17813488

Platinum Sponsors for 12months (3 year agreement)

BD 15,000 Amount over a  three (3) year  period  (Payments can be made to suit your budget)
For your sponsorship in return you receive :-

  1. Advertisement in the BBBF online monthly Newsletter for one year complimentary
  2. Advertising of your company news on our social media platforms complimentary
  3. Logo branding on our website
  4. Logo branding on our website
  5. Link from our website to yours
  6. Logo branding on all email runs
  7. A Banner display (roll up) at BBBF meetings (max 12/year).
  8. Promotional leaflets at BBBF meetings, max 12/year. (on request)
  9. Mention in press / PR , etc releases
  10. Once a month email distribution of any PR to BBBF members (on request)
  11. One guaranteed place on the Chairman’s top table at a BBBF lunch meeting. (on request)


Gold Sponsors for 12 months

BD 5000 per year  (Payments can be made to suit your budget)
For your sponsorship in return you receive –

  1. Advertisement in the BBBF online monthly Newsletter for one year complimentary
  2. Advertising of your company news on our social media platforms complimentary
  3. Logo branding on our website
  4. Link from our website to yours
  5. Logo branding on all email runs
  6. A Banner display (roll up) at BBBF lunch meetings (max 12/year).
  7. Mention in press / PR , etc releases


Silver Sponsor for 12 months

BD3000 per year (Payments can be made to suit your budget)-
For your sponsorship in return you receive –

  1. Advertisement in the BBBF online monthly NewsLetter for one year complimentary
  2. Logo branding  on our website
  3. Link from our website to yours
  4. Logo branding on all email runs
  5. A Banner display (roll up) at BBBF lunch meetings (max 12/year).

Our Sponsors