Purpose of the Group
The UK’s Department for International Trade (DIT) has overall responsibility for promoting UK trade across the world and attracting foreign investment to our economy. We are a specialised government body with responsibility for negotiating international trade policy, supporting business, as well as delivering an outward-looking trade diplomacy strategy.
DIT is also tasked with ensuring the UK takes advantage of the huge opportunities open to our businesses globally, coordinating and delivering a new trade and investment policy to promote UK business across the globe, negotiating free trade agreements and market access deals with non-EU countries, as well as providing operational support for exports and facilitating inward and outward investment.
In addition to Commercial Officers in Embassies, Consulates and High Commissions around the globe, the Department for International Trade has a network of International Trade Advisors across the United Kingdom, and specialised sector teams based in London’s Headquarters.
For more information on DIT and its services, please visit www.gov.uk. Companies with a UK registration can also register on www.great.gov.uk free of charge for automatic alerts of exporting opportunities in key sectors and target markets from around the globe.