Oil, Gas & Energy

Purpose of the Group

The Special Interest Group (SIG) for Oil, Gas & Energy was established in 2014 in order to create a forum to present and discuss key topics of interest in the industry.

SIG is open to BBBF members, companies as well as non-members, by way of invitation to attend presentation meetings on key topics of interest.  Given the vast topics available, one of SIG’s main objectives is to cover as many key topics as possible, supported by presentations from Industry and Subject Matter Experts

The Special Interest Group for Oil, Gas & Energy is led by OAK Utility Solutions & Development and OAK welcomes volunteers to offer their time and expertise in contributing to the running of this important SIG.

If you are interested in contributing to this SIG in any way, please contact any of our Joint SIG Heads below:

Mr. Simon Bromyard, Projects Director; sbromyard@oakbh.com.

Mr. Gareth Brown, CEO: gbrown@oakbh.com