Special Interest Groups

The Special Interest Groups (SIG’s) are a set of industry-focused or category related subgroups, from the main forum.

Their aim is to highlight the opportunities in Bahrain’s economic diversification plan and Britain’s ambitions for export growth (be those products, services or talent) and assist existing and potential BBBF members in securing a larger share of these.

Additionally, the SIG’s provide the space for members and their guests to meet more frequently and explore issues of concern to them, find ways together with the respective authorities and organisations to make doing business between Britain and Bahrain much easier.

Typically each SIG meets four times per year for workshops, networking, and seminars or to hear from interesting speakers on current subjects, relevant to their sectors.

They also provide outreach to business in the local community, connecting valuable expertise, manufacturers or services of benefit to each and between both countries and a conduit for the same in the United Kingdom.

Currently, there are 8 groups with additional SIG’s due to be announced during early 2019.

Our SIG Heads provide their time voluntarily and welcome the support and feedback of the BBBF’s wider membership.

How can you get involved?

  • Come along and support a meeting even if it is not directly connected to your industry
  • Suggest ideas for an event or activity you think would be of value
  • If you have a strong interest in the business sector, have the passion and energy to start a group, let us know
  • If you are a technical expert or have valuable and timely information to share, contact the relevant SIG Head

Have other suggestions for improvements we can make, contact any of our team or the Committee.

Bahrain Embassy Department of International Trade (DIT)

The UK’s Department for International Trade (DIT) has overall responsibility for promoting UK trade across the world and attracting foreign investment to our economy. We are a specialised government body with responsibility for negotiating international trade policy, supporting business, as well as delivering an outward-looking trade diplomacy strategy.

DIT is also tasked with ensuring the UK takes advantage of the huge opportunities open to our businesses globally, coordinating and delivering a new trade and investment policy to promote UK business across the globe, negotiating free trade agreements and market access deals with non-EU countries, as well as providing operational support for exports and facilitating inward and outward investment.
In addition to Commercial Officers in Embassies, Consulates and High Commissions around the globe, the Department for International Trade has a network of International Trade Advisors across the United Kingdom, and specialised sector teams based in London’s Headquarters.

For more information on DIT and its services, please visit www.gov.uk. Companies with a UK registration can also register on www.great.gov.uk free of charge for automatic alerts of exporting opportunities in key sectors and target markets from around the globe.


“The Legal SIG aims to keep the business community informed and updated on:

– new Bahrain laws and what needs to be done in practice to implement and comply with them; and

– current legal best practice.

To do this the Legal SIG arranges presentations and panel discussions with a practical focus. 

Sessions are hosted by leading experts on Bahrain and international law, sometimes by lawyers from more than one law firm. Generally, they will be accompanied by representatives of the government body that sponsored the new law and/or technical experts from the relevant field of activity.”

Organisational Effectiveness

The organisational effectiveness group meets every two months
The purpose of the group is to share good practice and to learn from each other

Information Communications & Technology (ICT)

Information and Communications Technology (ICT).
ICT is the coming together of the IT and Telecommunications industries.
An ICT Special Interest Group (SIG) was set up by the BBBF so that members and their guests who have a particular interest in the technology could come together and discuss an area if the subject, usually after a speech or demonstration of one particular facet, e.g., Internet Security and Firewalls.  Some of the systems that come under the ICT umbrella are:-
Internet, Wi-Fi, CCTV, Access Control, Building Management Systems, PABX services, Intercom, Structured Cabling, etc.

Projects & Construction
Hospitality Leisure & Tourism

The Hospitality Leisure & Tourism SIG provides a platform for business people within all sectors of the Hospitality Industry in Bahrain to network informally. The SIG provides relevant and topical discussions with key Industry and Government figures on the key matters that effect the whole Hospitably sector, from Hotels, Restaurants, leisure, tourism to supply sector.

Banking & Finance

“The Banking & Finance Special Interest Group aims to bring together professionals in the banking, finance and insurance industries, along with finance professionals (such as CFOs, accountants and auditors) in all industries. The Group aims to present members with updates on matters trending in the financial markets, changes in standard industry practices for finance executives, as well as topics of relevance across the banking, finance and insurance industries for continuing professional development.”

Young Professionals

While older members of the business community (i.e. BBBF) have already established their network of contacts and regularly attend business functions, we recognised that there was nothing really aimed at younger or more junior professionals at the beginning of their careers. Furthermore, we felt that it was imperative that each and every one of one of those Young Professionals (YP) was able to equip themselves with a professional network that will be of assistance to them as they progress up the career ladder.

We aim to put on a number of social and professional networking events to give YPs the opportunity to meet on a fairly regular basis in a friendly environment with members of the BBBF and invited guests so that they extend their network but also learn from senior business community. The Young Professionals SIG was set up in 2015 by young professionals, for young professionals.

Oil, Gas & Energy

The Special Interest Group (SIG) for Oil, Gas & Energy was established in 2014 in order to create a forum to present and discuss key topics of interest in the industry.

SIG is open to BBBF members, companies as well as non-members, by way of invitation to attend presentation meetings on key topics of interest.  Given the vast topics available, one of SIG’s main objectives is to cover as many key topics as possible, supported by presentations from Industry and Subject Matter Experts

The Special Interest Group for Oil, Gas & Energy is led by OAK Utility Solutions & Development and OAK welcomes volunteers to offer their time and expertise in contributing to the running of this important SIG.

If you are interested in contributing to this SIG in any way, please contact any of our Joint SIG Heads below:

Mr. Simon Bromyard, Projects Director; sbromyard@oakbh.com.

Mr. Gareth Brown, CEO: gbrown@oakbh.com

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