Welcome to the first BBBF monthly digital newsletter.
Click the link - [bbbf-newsletter-march] to download your copy. We are very excited to launch this as part of our new digital communications along with our social media platforms- Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn - that are already up and running. If you haven’t followed our channels yet, we invite you to do so by clicking on the links at the end of the Newsletter. Apart from us informing you of the upcoming BBBF events and news, the monthly newsletter offers you as a member an outlet to share your company news, telling us the latest developments and what is happening in your organisation (check out the Members News section below). Going forward, there is also an opportunity for companies to place advertisements with us, as well as offer member benefits and discounts. If you would like to be included in the next issue with either your company news, advertisement or special offer, please contact the BBBF office for more details by emailing bbbfmemberships@batelco.com.bh. Meetings and Events update: As per the instructions received from the Ministry of Labour and Social Development, we along with others, are required to postpone our meetings and events for the time being. This includes the launch of our new Healthcare SIG on 24 March, the AGM on 31 March and the ICT SIG meeting on 7 April. These meetings are being rescheduled and notification of the new dates will be advised to you soon via email and our social media channels. We would like to thank all members for your support and understanding during this time. Stay safe and healthy and we look forward to seeing you at the next events. Kind regards Khalid Al Zayani OBE Chairman